• @BartsBigBugBag
    77 months ago

    So it has nothing to do with the thousands of Palestinians held as political prisoners, the hundreds that Israel had murdered just this year prior to October 7th, or the well-documented and internationally condemned acceleration of illegal settlement creation and expansion? They just hate Israel’s freedom? Is that it?

      • @BartsBigBugBag
        17 months ago

        Not a single person from that event is alive in Palestine today. To use a hundred year old event to justify contemporary genocide is disgusting.

        • @keardap@lemmy.selfhost.quest
          07 months ago

          This is a reply to your ‘they just hate Israel freedom’ comment.

          In regards to Hamas Israel’s short term options are to either let Hamas kill Israelis freely or to cause massive damages to their military capabilities while getting Gazans killed.

          There is no magic wand to wave that will prevent the lose of life. Hamas is a fanatic religious group, that will always work towards Israel’s destruction. No matter the cost.

          • @BartsBigBugBag
            7 months ago

            Nah man. Israel killed hundreds of their own civilians on Oct 7th, as is admitted by their own media.

            Nothing they’ve done during or after the uprising has been justified. Not using high explosive helicopter rounds to murder (their own) civilians. Not a single hospital bombing. Not invading hospitals. Not bombing refugee camps, not forced Trail of Tears style migration, not bombing loaded ambulances, not bombing those they forced to migrate trail of tears style.

            None of it.

            They’ve created more Hamas than they’ll ever kill with their genocidal actions.

            • @keardap@lemmy.selfhost.quest
              07 months ago

              Nothing in the link you sent backs your claim that Israel fired on its own citizens, on the contrary.

              Israel bombed ambulances with Hamas members inside. Contrary to your claim, it was Hamas that shot at escaping Gazans.

              Hamas fires rockets from masques, from schools (not the first time).

              And this is not an uprising (hello bias), they are not Israeli slaves. This an attempt at the destruction of Israel, Hamas’ declared agenda.

              Israel’s choice is cease to be, or commit atrocities. That the reality of it. Hamas’ choices were to live quietly in Gaza or to commit atrocities.

              • @BartsBigBugBag
                7 months ago

                They are by the unanimous agreement of all but 3 countries on this planet, suffering under an illegal occupation. Only three countries in the entire world disagree with that.

                Can you guess which three?

                Israel is an ethnostate organized explicitly around the suppression of a racial group. It is foundational to its existence, and there is no solution but to dissolve it and create a secular state. Ethnostates are fundamentally immoral and should not be tolerated.

                If Israel’s only choice is to cease to be or commit unspeakable atrocities against thousands of women and children (and explicitly forbidden by their religion lmao), then the only option is for them to cease to be, and if that is truly the only option, it is the duty of the world to make it happen, and to prevent further GENOCIDE of the dispossessed and occupied Palestinian people.

                Or you know, they could stop illegally occupying Palestinian land and expanding settlements, and stop with the two tiered Justice system, and create a secular state in which both groups have equal rights and illegal settlements are violently opposed… stop purposefully limiting calorie intake in Gaza to starvation levels, stop murdering peaceful protestors, stop “mowing the lawn”… you know, stop with the literal fascism.

                • @keardap@lemmy.selfhost.quest
                  17 months ago

                  Israel is not occupying Gaza Strip. Israel allows a group of fanatics to occupy the West Banks.

                  The West Bank and Gaza Strip are two different places, governed by different bodies. The attack was initiated by Hamas, the governing body of Gaza Strip.

                  That does not make the occupation of the West Bank okay, and I wish Israel would treat the settlers as terrorist, cus that what they are.

                  Israel has an internal conflict around that matter.

                  That does not justifies Hamas atrocities against Israel. But once those were done, Israel haa the right to retaliate, it’s called self defense.

                  As per the rest of your genocidal comment:

                  1. Israel foundation is an attempt to balance democracy with Jewish tradition (but not religion), as such it gives equal rights to non-Jewish citizens.

                  2. Jewish people were living in Israel for thousands of years, until the rise of nationalism and the attempt of Arabs groups in the area to wipe them out. This also includes Arab and Non-Arab Muslim countries kicking out Jewish populations, making them into refugees.

                  If Israel’s only choice is to cease to be commit unspeakable atrocities against thousands of women and children

                  This did not come out of no where, Hamas created that equation.

                  You have so much bias, are a Muslim? A Nazi? Random Jews hater? Or just follows the popular voice between your uneducated young friends?