Why is everything called blue sky all of a sudden? I see blue sky everywhere - blue sky plumbing, blue sky builders, blue sky bar, blue sky physical therapy, blue sky cbd… even Mt Evans was renamed to Mt Blue Sky.
Why is everything called blue sky all of a sudden? I see blue sky everywhere - blue sky plumbing, blue sky builders, blue sky bar, blue sky physical therapy, blue sky cbd… even Mt Evans was renamed to Mt Blue Sky.
I sold my car that had a satellite enabled radio and bought a car that didn’t. I actually wanted to keep my subscription but change it to a streaming only plan. I tried at least 3 times to get that set up and each time I thought we were good it turned out that we weren’t. I eventually got fed up enough to cancel my sub outright. I get an email every day with a new deal for a streaming only plan but there’s no way I’ll go back after that experience.
I’ve been having fun with it but it definitely feels a bit shallow and probably won’t keep my attention for very long
This post makes me want to not vote for Biden twice as much as I already don’t want to vote for Biden.
Bro no kidding. Biden needs to retire.
I just hope I won’t be forced into using a new subclass that I hate. Again
Remember when Rs wore shirts that said “I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat”?
Thanks I’ll give it a shot
Unfortunately no, the plastic part is very tight around the screw. It’s about three inches long and I’m sure the fibers are stuck across the entire length
One time in the late 90s or maybe early 00s I got gas for $0.79/gallon. That was pretty sweet.
I’d love to see conservatives like Biden make like a tree and get the f out of here.
DRG has some true bangers. R&S to the bone, brother.
Can we just get to the end? I’m tired of all this.