I use Apple Music for lossless and Dolby atmos and the integration with iOS. Using another app with voice commands on CarPlay was annoying enough that it led me to switch to Apple Music.
I use Apple Music for lossless and Dolby atmos and the integration with iOS. Using another app with voice commands on CarPlay was annoying enough that it led me to switch to Apple Music.
Excellent, I’m definitely fortunate. We didn’t have extra $$ but it never mattered much.
I have no idea what an anarchist communist is but I think this conversation got way off track. A communist country’s defining feature is that the public has (ostensibly) ownership of property which is typically through the state.
If you live on a literal commune somewhere of course the reality will be different.
The original conversation was regarding who produces pollution, a capitalist or communist nation, with my point being that it doesn’t matter what the form of government is.
Great observation. I always wondered how it was so easy for my parents until I realized no, it wasn’t. I always felt that if the house were to burn down I would be safe. Never thought twice about it, totally took them for granted.
No but state owned is the exact definition of communist. China has a communist government which allows a high degree of market/capitalist activity.
Around 1/3 of GDP is from state owned businesses. They definitely have a strong market economy there but my point was that capitalism causes greenhouse gas emissions like the guy I replied to stated is not true.
Don’t forget that the biggest greenhouse gas produce is China which last I checked is not capitalist.
You are correct. I think that a substantial portion of people don’t connect the dots and understand that companies only produce goods that consumers want/need.
Can’t upvote these enough.
I’ve connected an Xbox controller to the pc to “learn” how to use it but I find it so difficult. I would like so much about using a controller- ergonomics, portability, compactness, aim assist, but just can’t adapt yet.
Agreed. Knuckle-dragger response. Have everybody put together an “It’s OK to punch a ____” list, compile it, and let’s have a look. Won’t be pretty.
Being forced to pay competitive wages would be a major benefit to poor/uneducated workers and their families.
I always love the line, “Americans won’t do X kind of labor.”
Nope, not for $3/hr. Working in a field for $30/hr? I suspect there would be little difficulty hiring.
Are nvidia drivers supported natively?
Using it right now. It’s excellent and will presumably improve.
I think it’s a lot of fun. Maps are have been reworked and are good. Typical battlefield at this point. Lots of weapons, gadgets, etc.
I have YouTube premium and totally agree with you.
One workaround though, although it’s a bit of a pain,is that you can VPN into your home network and have the benefits of pihole when on mobile or using an iPad.