Damn near kicked my childhood PC cause of that lmao
🇨🇦 Geek. Gamer. Data hoarder. Pirate. Eldritch Cultist & Discordian. Polite but says cunt like an Australian. LGBTQ+ Friendly. Punches Nazi’s. Loves tits. 90s/00s Nostalgia Lover. Halloween Fiend. Talks about weird stuff. Go me? Fnord.
Damn near kicked my childhood PC cause of that lmao
Jokes on Sony, they stopped getting my money years ago.
You are absolutely correct, but the article OP posted was for a specific Populous game, the 3rd one, which came out in 1998 lol. They just didn’t put “: The Beginning” in the title.
Edit: Also the first release was 89 not 88.
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A lack or originality begets a lack of originality. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If you want an original response, don’t use an unoriginal insult in the first place lmao
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Only one I’d give Paradox any money for at this point! lmao
Hell, their first sentence fragment isn’t even always true lmao
Been a bit but I think the one I was more hyped for was Paralives (which you’d expect to be the one from paradox given the name lmao)
Paradox’s Sim game was the least I was looking forward to of the upcoming Sims spiritual successors, ya know, cause it’s Paradox…
…but still, fuck.
As someone who gets comics from TG up and including last night: Shit.
This was posted to their telegram channel according to reddit’s piracy sub, so everything is fine.
What people need to learn is that “indie game” it’s not a synonym for good, or worthwhile. I’ve pirated tons of indie games which wereamazing and I ended up buying.
I’ve also pirated tons of indie games that I wouldn’t have spent a damn dollar on because they absolutely sucked.
Pirate indie games all damn day. Pay for the ones that aren’t flame-broiled ass. Don’t reward people who asset flip or put 5 mins of effort into something just because the game is listed under a category called ‘indie’ lmao
I hope they also improve the ability to see your damned hashtags cause when I used Pixelfed I followed a few dozen hashtags of interest and I only ever found one spot on your account which let you see ‘the list’ of hashtags you followed and it only ever showed me a random selection of 3-4 of the dozens I followed. Closed my account a few days later lol.
I used to in the past (back when it was much more common to peruse /b/ and have kiddie porn slapped right in your eyeballs at a moment’s notice…not that its probably changed much over the years lol). Now-a-days I just use it for the torrent board since I’m a data hoarder and they throw up the occasional interesting collection of stuff.
At half time at the fucking Super Bowl.
Loved him some tiddy.
Annas Archive, DC++ hubs, pdfmagazines.club (site is nsfw as playboy and similar will be on the front page guaranteed), and beyond that just via dumps on torrent trackers like 1337x.
Fascists try to take everything they can get their hands on to try and get a way “in”. There’s O9A, Joy of Satan, STS (not TST) and others.