As a former GameStop employee, please clean your consoles
And Xbox power supplies
Clean yo consoles out of your house and get a gaming PC! Boom roasted.
ha gotem
Wait, this actually happens?
I used to work in an electronics repair shop and yes, yes it does. And for some reason it seemed (and this is purely from my anecdotal experience) to happen most often to the PS4 specifically. It’s housing makes for a perfect warm, dry, dark place with vent holes just large enough for roaches. I wish I was kidding you, but before we would even agree to repair a PS4 you had to agree to let me open the console inside a garbage bag at the front desk, and if we found any roaches, even dead ones, we had to turn down the repair.
Edit : And I should mention a lot of these were clean, newer looking consoles. The outside and the inside are different creatures.
Haven’t seen cases as extreme, but depending on your living situation, all kinds of gunk gathers under the hood of many a console
Sometimes, i forget all the crazy works the Steam developers have done with proton to allow me to run the game from the Deck without hearing any vent noise or overheating the device. True wizards👌
Who do you think is doing all the math?
My zephyrus would like a word with you…
the roaches inside my dirty pc*
you taking me for a peasant?