Is there any chance that companies are using the tariffs as an excuse to raise prices when they wanted to anyway? Like a lot of these companies have more money than God already. They could eat the extra cost and be fine. Seems like they’re just being greedy to me.
Of course some could, but if everyone is impacted then why would they eat the cost? Also they can add a few percentages and blame it on tarrif.
Like how the messaging from covid immediately shifted once the media started using the “i” word.
“We understand the blocked canal, shuttered factories, and overall stagnant supply chain is a problem but we will work together in this crisis”
“Sorry inflation. Record profits? No inflation”
It’s absolutely the case here. It’s the retailers buying from them that have to pay the tariffs, not the manufacturer. So they’re not increasing costs to make up for the tariffs, they’re just increasing costs that retailers will have to pay ON TOP OF the extra they’re already having to pay for the tariffs.
Its like a company trying to justify increasing the cost of their goods just because the sales tax on their goods went up. The company’s profits are unchanged by the tax increase, it’s just the consumer who’s getting screwed twice.
The importer has to pay the tariffs.
Which in most cases is the brand-name company, incorporated in the US. Usually, the manufacturer is a separate foreign supplier.
The retailer usually receives the goods from a domestic distribution center.
So yeah, most laptop brands are paying the tariffs themselves.
They could eat the cost, but they won’t. There are virtually no consumer protections in the US. And the Trump administration isn’t interested in doing anything other than getting rid of regulations. The cost will be passed on to the consumer so they can “recoup their costs”.
And then even if another administration backtracks on the tariffs, the cost will remain exactly the same. Because why would they bring the cost down? They have money they have to bleed from every single consumer possible.
Oh no the thing they voted for is happening. “Why are the leopards raising the price of my laptop”
lol, assholes. Tariffs are paid on wholesale price, but Acer is going to raise the retail price the same percentage?
And this should only apply to things Acer sells directly. If Amazon or Target import Acer products they are the ones that pay the tariff, not Acer.
Begun, the trade wars have.
Why is this news
Because PC gaming is about to get more expensive in the US. A topic that directly relates to the PC gaming community.
The fact tariffs are doing what tariffs do is not news.
It literally is. You’re using a colloquial meaning of “news”, and you are saying something like, “this news is unsurprising.” BUT IT’S STILL A REPORT OF TOPICAL EVENTS HAPPENING RECENTLY, IE, IT’S THE FUCKING NEWS.
You very clearly knew what I meant…
Okay, so you were REALLY saying, “Why is this surprising?” Except NO ONE SAID IT WAS, so of course we assumed you were asking, “Why is this in the news?”
Okay, so you were REALLY saying, “Why is this surprising?”
No that’s not what I was saying. News is supposed to be informative. Reporting that water is wet is not informative. Everyone already knows.
You should really cool it with the caps lock, you read like a deranged individual.
Fine, die on that hill. I suppose you’re the sort of person that thinks a hunch is as good as objective reporting. Maybe the news isn’t your thing at all.
Edit: Look at it this way. Presumably, if this is “not news” because it’s so obvious, then in your view, it WOULD be news if it DIDN’T go up by 10%. Well that’s what this fucking article is about, okay? It’s about how it didn’t not go up 10%. It’s about how you can stop waiting to be surprised by it not going up 10%. JFC.
This is not the tarrifs being implemented, this is additional price increase.
It says “in reaction to tariffs” right in the title, bud…
Which means ‘tariffs added some, so we add additional 10% on top’.
That is a new information.
Yes I can read, thank you.
spotted the alien