“some settling may occur during shipping”
I can smell this image
I almost threw up a little in my mouth at this image
Whoever is interested in buying old milk could easily make their own for cheap, but if they’re in a hurry to get it, $1 is waaaay too cheap.
(I’m going to switch to euro units.) It probably costs more in rent and electricity to keep a jug of milk stored in the fridge for 5 years.
Let’s say you rent a small cheap apartment with 50 sqm. for let’s say 400€ monthly somewhere in a small rural European town. That’ll be €24000 for five years. The fridge takes up 1 of the 50 sqm., so that’s €480. Can a fridge contain 480 jugs of chocolate milk? Nuh uh.
A standard fridge could maybe hold 200 liters. The jug in the picture looks like half a gallon, or 2 liters, so it could hold 100 jugs. The rent alone would then be €4.8 to produce a five year old gallon of old chocolate milk and this idiot is selling it for $1. What a fool.