Also I hate this trend of censoring fucking profanity. Stupid shitsucking people need to learn that you’re allowed to swear like a pirate wench with a three-day UTI. They’re just words you cunts.
(There? Did I ironically make my point?)
Do people make these memes with the words censored out do weirdos just edit it afterwards?
It’s a habit people are picking up from streamers, who get demonetized if they use words like rape, kill, abuse, suicide, etc.
I feel like Anthrax had a song about this
Is that where it stems from?
I made a few using a character from Lower Decks known for swearing, but since the show is formatted with [BLEEPS], it fit the character better to maintain. For anything otherwise, I could give a fuck.
*ahem* grape, unalive, r*dditor, 🅱️🅱️, sewerslide, bop.
This is the oldest I’ve felt in a long time…
Wtf are BB and bop? I only worked out sewerslide when I said it out loud.
Ni__a and slut, in that order. I’m getting all of this thirdhand. TikTok is beyond salvation.
I’m more lost than you I don’t get any of these
h e double hockey stick
Sewerslide is my fav 😆
Also I hate this trend of censoring fucking profanity.
No offense, but it’s cos of Americans.
Probably. Fucking mormons and the like.
On the one hand, others pointed out that it could also be an acquired trait from watching streamers censoring themselves to prevent de-monitisation. Though I admit that I’m a millennial who grew up in a very profane Internet environment and people didn’t take things too seriously, unlike today. So there could be generational differences going on.
We getting old, fam!
Who the fuck is censoring your curse words here? I doubt any of us mods here care. After all, the word “shit” is in the fuckin name of this place.
You’re missing the joke. I’m railing against the trend in memes where their creators censor profanity. I’m doing this by checks notes using profanity that would make a construction labourer blush.
Fuckin’ oversensitive dipshits. All of them. They can feel free to paddle their douche canoes as far away from me as possible.
Could care less About self censorship. People have different feelings about what they write and how they are comfortable expressing themselves. Bug off about it. Censoring or misquoting someone else though - that’s a different story.
Oh I know I’m deliberately making a mountain out of a molehill for comedic purposes…
You don’t get shit storms, you just get bans.