Information has a half life. And for digital information it’s really short. I always thought the digitization of documents and media is a bad idea for this very reason. Photo albums are not as common anymore, more people read through screens. All the information is getting stored in devices that expire, get thrown away, or that won’t be able to be accessed in a couple decades.
Think about all of the information that we have stored right now digitally. If nothing is actively done to keep it safe, how much of it do you think will survive in 100 years? Instagram, Facebook, and Google will not be around forever. Your personal photo galleries videos and files WILL be lost unless someone deliberately curates them for preservation.
Perhaps something like IPFS would help mitigate this. Popular stuff would be pinned by someone.
remember kids, everything you post on the internet stays forever*
*unless it cannot be monetized anymore
Don’t worry, it might still bubble up to the surface in the hallucinations of an AI.
You can’t train an AI on data that’s no longer in existence
But a decade from now, there will be AI trained on data that will no longer exist. And many websites that GPT trained on probably don’t exist anymore.
Oh, that stuff is out there somewhere… in a database
Everything you post has potential to remain forever even if it’s not monetized directly. Cautioning people about it makes sense now and has always made sense.
Really? Because I don’t think my dick pic can be monetized
Sure it can. People will pay to not see it.
The WayBack Machine would like a word:
The online era is going to be a thousand Library of Alexandria’s worth of lost information, records, journals, news, … everything. It will all just digital-rot into the memory hole.
And when trying to find a backup, no search engines can find it due to the AI garbage fucking up the SEO
Makes me wonder how many dead links and webpages there must be
I was just listening to a YouTube playlist of mine that goes back at least 10 years and was disappointed how much of it was deleted. And not only that, but in many cases I couldn’t even tell what the videos were.
Literally just today, I picked one music video that just seemed to be gone from youtube and the internet, but thankfully was able to find a Wayback machine link to the artists website in 2008 with a .mov download link.
I was going through my YouTube subscriptions on an account that’s been active since 2010ish. I didn’t recognize several accounts at all. They had deleted all their older videos and changed their account names.
I found myself subscribed to things that I would never have subscribed to. Either I had done it accidentally or they changed their name and took their videos in a different direction.
It’s a bummer because there are some old videos that were pretty funny/creative and now they are just gone.
It could also be that they no longer used their channel but were hacked. I’ve seen a handful of larger youtubers have their channels get hacked, rebranded to something completely different, then explain what happened when they get it back. With smaller inactive channels, its unlikely that they’ll be changed back.