Looks like something that should work just fine.
Maybe cut that steak more.
This shouldn’t be under shitposts, I see nothing strange about this
I mean, baking eggs in the oven is absolutely weird
This pan is only some crushed tomatoes away from a bastardized eggs in purgatory
Give it a shot, it may become very regular for you
The strap would never cook enough before the eggs were done, and I like some rare fucking steak, like cook my strip steak black and blue rare, but not on a good ribeye, gotta go medium rare there.
The steak in this image looks pretty well done, like it was already cooked before going in with the eggs.
I just didn’t notice
I mean, it’s easy enough to cook the steak for a while before adding the eggs to the pan, and no reason to expect that isn’t exactly what was done here. (Note how the eggs are almost completely raw but the steak is already partially cooked.)
Yeah I noticed that after I read a different comment.
Unless it’s in a quiche, meringue, casserole or on pastry
Hell yeah! Steak juices on the eggs! 😍
Actually I’d demolish this
6 eggs, damn.
yeah, who’s the weirdo making less than a dozen at a time
I haven’t prepared meat in 2 and a half decades, and I feel bad about this.
Which this?
That you’ve not done this for two and a half decades?
Or this in the image?
could be okay if you cut it all / scrambled it and added some rice
Without rice, 7/10 With rice, 9/10
I literaly cooked something like this yesterday, a traditional dish from Algiers called “the pretty lady’s breasts in the mirror” (sder chaba fel mraya). Basically you boil some lamb with onion and cinnamon (and a fuckton of olive oil and butter), then you put unsalted goat cheese slices on the meat pieces, whipped egg whites with lemon juice, and the yolks without breaking them (the titular “breasts” I guess), and all in the oven. It’s… traditional.