“Al” looks just like “AI”.
In fact, “Artificial Intelligence Yankovich” or “A.I. Yankovich” should be the name of his next album.And, he should use LLM to write the lyrics.
Sure, Al has made a ton of deep fakes, and makes us question the nature of art, and the viability of art as a career in the modern era… But he is funny.
I saw the biopic, Jackson shamelessly ripped him off.
It’s a disgrace Madonna wasn’t even put on trial back then!
Weird Al Yankovic is America’s modern pop rock genius.
—Kurt Kobain
But all his stuff is Al generated and it always has been.
He posted this joke himself lol
Sure, but he was trained on a bunch of other musicians.
And all Al says is convoluted, kinda off and weird.
Wait who is hating on Weird Al?! I still won’t forgive Prince’s dead ass for being mean to him.
Legit thought this was a bad joke about people mixing up AI (Artificial Intelligence) with Al Yankovic!
It’s messed up, right? Loads of people are hating and fear mongering Al for absolutely no reason, he’s done nothing wrong.
And to all those saying Al is going to take over the world and cost us all our jobs, Al would never do that to us!