lol already updated
Over the past few months, we’ve been accelerating our ability to execute outstandingly, make faster decisions, and realize our multi-product ambitions.
a bunch of progressive sounding MBAs smearing google money on their careers
By setting up Firefox as a standalone product organization, we will also be able to bring more focus to our continual efforts to improve the Firefox experience for everyone who uses it. Firefox is already a leader in foundational qualities like speed and privacy, and now we will be able to faster in developing solutions that bring more useful tools and more joyful experience to our users. Our recent announcement of new Firefox features is just the start, as we close in on Firefox’s 20th birthday in November.
Oh my God! A press release from the Mozilla foundation that actually talks about the browser! I’m glad to see they’re acknowledging the one thing that keeps them relevant
By setting up Firefox as a standalone product organization
What does this even mean? Is Firefox going to be spun out into its own entity? This is such business speak…
Can somebody translate? What’s the actual news? Are they firing a bunch of people who were previously leading all these projects, or what?
No idea dude, I got lost in the corporate.
Everything that accelerates our path to the future is terrible because the future is very dark. Bad decision from Mozilla here unfortunately
But the future is inevitable, isn’t it better to be less pessimistic and attempt to be prepared for it instead of just waiting?
Doesn’t accelerating give you less time to prepare?
Let’s hope this enables direct donations to Firefox and not to some sjw activities or Baker’s salary/bonus
What sjw activites?
It has SJ in the description
Mozilla, partners, and participants will explore threats AI poses to democracy and social justice
While somebody needs to do this, somebody also needs to do the browser development. And Mozilla has been neglecting and deliberately decimating firefox market share with stupid decisions. Funding Mozilla meant funding everything else except Firefox.
This way we may get the chance to fund exclusively Firefox and not other nonsense.
Damn straight, Browsers shouldn’t deal with social justice issues, they should deal with working to destroy minorities lives and enforce fascism, narking on the browsing history of those who deny the status quo. /s