105 years ago, the Bolsheviki took over the Winter Palace, establishing the Congress of Soviets. This was one of the most important moments of the Russian revolution, which led to the formation of the Soviet Union. Not forget to mention this revolution inspired socialist around the world, inclusive the PRC, Cuba or the Black Panther! The USSR also helped countries being suppressed by western imperialist, like Korea, Vietnam or Rhodesia and liberated Eastern Europe from Nazi Germany! It also managed to bring the 1st satellite, a man, several animals into space! This all came to an end when pro-western Gorbachev came to power and led the country to its collapse. Now, the spirit can still be felt around the world!
Tsarists coping lmaoo
epic revolution win
r/Monarchism Cope
Wasn’t that on October 25th, or November 7th with the modern Gregorian calendar? Or are we talking about something else?
Long Live! Down with the Tsars!
105 years of global socialist revolution and socialism has accomplished so much. Imagine what the next 100 holds!