ancaps and amerikan libertarians are more consistently correct on international concerns than most any other lumpenprole in this country. their conclusions are usually trash, of course.
They and neoconservatives are almost the only people in America – besides a small coterie of genuine Marxists – who have any understanding of geopolitics. Which really says something about this God-forsaken country.
The Canadian white settlers did say that they need to steal all the credit, property, land, and assets from their Indigenous population to force the Indigenous people into planned poverty as a form of “freedom”. Is the EU now faithfully following the twisted ideology that ‘planned poverty = freedom’ that they only applied to Indigenous people?
libs are becoming self aware of their liberalism
It’s fun to watch infighting when it’s not on the left.
Broken clock ⏰
Lib v lib
I had this neighborhood party yesterday with our party, and one of the topics we talked to people about was of course heating.
I heard awful stories. There was this one woman whose mother is now permanently living in the kitchen so that it’s the only place in the house she needs to heat. People that only shower at work. People that have to pay an end bill of 3000 euro’s.
We are completely destroying our population for nothing. Civil unrest is massive. It’s a time bomb waiting to explode.