God has a plan and He’s in control. Until he isn’t, then it’s evil! But just trust in God’s plan. Unless this is the evil plan? Oh no!
It really is bizarre. Faith doesn’t bring about certainty, and if god working mysterious ways, the MO is basically to just roll with it and accept everything as being part of gods plan regardless. Fuck, I wasted so many productive years to this religion’s ambivalence and apathy.
Ignoring plans and religions what option do we have in life that isn’t “just roll with it”.
Christianity says that your life is in gods hands, which removes your agency by saying that god chooses whether to make your life better or worse. But your life is not in gods hands, it’s in yours, and you are the one that can answer your own prayers and make your life better.
God is not navigating the long arc of life on earth, we humans are, and we can’t just roll with it, we have to actively participate in its betterment.
God wants you to blow me, Joel.
Joel “demon acts” Olsteen
The logic of religion in a nutshell.
Joel osteen merely existing is excellent proof that God does not
God can not be in control at the same time as the “forces of evil” being to blame unless god is evil.
Which according to the bible he is as he quite clearly states evil as all things, comes from him.
At which point I don’t get why you’d worship that thing.
If this deity is what he’s stated to be, creating evil or letting it exist are conscious choices made, defacto making it evil too.
God created everything, and knew exactly how things would play out for all time. He specifically made this event happen, just like every other single bad thing in the world. He has the power to prevent anything, and he even has the power to prevent anything without infringing on free will. The cunt just doesn’t want to.
You will know the true evil doer by their actions.
Deliberate inaction is action.
Why did God control a cop to shoot a 5 year old then? Why didn’t the prayers help as he lay in the hospital in critical condition? Seems like everything was in place for the right thing to happen, but all of it went wrong.
The most likely explanation: there is no god and evil people do evil things with no rhyme or reason. And life is unfair and children don’t deserve the pain inflicted upon them, but until humans collectively grow past infantile hatred and violence, things like this are going to keep happening.
He’s just being mysterious.
Good is a brown wizard, they aint whitey.
If god is in control, why did he let that lady shoot people?
How much money did god say he needs because of this, and can we see an itemized invoice?
God has been doing a shit job. Time to fire him.
Sounds like someone tried to fire at him
…I’m so sorry idk why I’m like this
If I was of a conspiratorial mindset, I would say that Osteen staged the whole thing to make people more sympathetic to Israel and less sympathetic to Palestinians. That’s probably not what happened, but it sure helped them out.
the article i read made it sound like there were five women neighbors who were in constant neighbor battles with the shooter. they refused apparently refused to supply their names to the news for fear of retaliation.
there is something fucky going on there.
You leave The Forces of Evil out of this
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