We need to fight for beequality!
Well they get a long ass winter break
That’s why we have the expression “busy as a bee”
For some reason I read it aloud as ‘buzzy’ in my head, and was confused about the word.
You gotta stay buzzy as a bee in this doggie dogg world.
Yes, this doggy dog world is cruel
Our reward circuits go off when someone mentions taking a rest.
Bee reward circuits go off for things that we would consider work.
Basically, the whole time they are face-first in a flower slurping up nectar and gathering pollen, the thing going through their tiny brains is “Fuck yeah I needed this”.
If you gave a bee the day off the general sentiment would be “What the fuck man, this is bullshit, I demand you let me go and collect nectar right fucking now!”
At least they don’t have to work nights.
Bees live in their natural environment. They don’t have a separation between work and play, because their brains are engaged in the same world they evolved for. And if they don’t have brains whatever.
Humans have “work” because we don’t live in the environment our motivational systems evolved for.
This is all laid out clearly in Genesis 1.6. When you go to close a project that has issues it prompts you about what steps you took. This is because the creators knew we aren’t naturally evolved to handle working with text based interfaces.
Tell me more about this “Genisis 1.6”
Genesis 1.6 is where person goes when they want to find order. The order is described in words that hang in a black darkness. It is a window into the past, though it can provide insight into the problems of the present.
They also only have a couple weeks left to live once you see them outside on your flowers 😢
You guys are getting weekends off?