Claim a spot by submitting your meme the day/post prior (ie - post meme for day 8 on day 7). In the event of multiple submissions, most upvoted by day’s end takes it. Tie breaker based on my poor taste.
1 ummthatguy - “An O’Brien in agony”
2 negativenull - “Two ejected warp cores”
3 The Picard Maneuver - “Three French Captains”
4 negativenull - “Four phasers phasing”
5 negativenull - “Five latinum bars”
6 ummthatguy - “Six Vulcan Mind-melds”
7 teft - “Seven Jeffrey Combs”
8 “Eight Janeway coffees”
9 “Nine redshirts dying”
10 “Ten humanoid aliens”
11 “Eleven Rikers Riking”
12 “Twelve cloaking warbirds”
“O’brien in Agony”
Is just a picture of Miles with Keiko
And is that not the face of a man in pain?
As funny as that is, I think that screenshot is from the episode when she was possessed by a pah-wraith.
8 Janeway coffees:
got held up at work late today, sorry for the late fixed image:
It’s beautiful.
Edit: can’t help but notice you made a completely separate comment entry, instead of replacing the original.
How perverse.
Yes, I didn’t really reply/replace to my original (accidentally). It was a long day at work.
Mudd would be proud indeed.
My friend made an interesting observation:
Missing 2 more:
Suldok from Elite Force 2
And “unnamed holosuite guest” from the DS9 finale
::Angry Andorian Noises:: PINKSKIN!!
There. Are. FOUR. Bars.
Edit for accuracy.
Oh crap, that’s only 7, and I’m away from my computer
I’ll fix this afternoon/evening when I get home
Either way, she’s got a problem.
If I may make a suggestion: a raktajino mug.
Good call!!
New image submitted
deleted by creator
You should add a nebula for the 8th coffee.
I…umm…is the third one actually Jeffrey Combs?
In the header is Officer Mulkahey from s6e13 “Far Beyond the Stars”
They are all weyoun variants and the specific one youre talking about is from this photo:
Man, even when playing another Weyoun, Jeffrey Combs can look like a different person…