Oh great, now they expect us to work in our sleep.
I dunno, being able to get my 8 hours of work in AND get a full nights’ sleep at the same time, leaving 16 hours for leisure sounds awesome to me!
At least that’s how I’m choosing to believe this will play out, for the sake of my sanity.
You mean 8hrs of sleep work and 8hrs of awake work. Paid only for the awake work
Do you think you’ll feel rested if you were dreamworking on TPS reports all night?
I mean, I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t give it a try, assuming it replaced 8 hours of awake work.
Sleep is one of the few respites from the drudgery and harshness of this world. In the offchance it can actually be hijacked for more labor, do not let it be stolen.
Oh I’m right there with you, if I can get paid to sleep work, and not have to work while awake, and be rested when I wake up after my shift, I’d be all for it. But that just sounds way too good to be true.
I’d rather work 8 hours awake and have the lucid dreaming just add to my leisure time tbh. Seems a waste to unlock the dreamworld just to be office drones in it.
What kind of work lets you get away with zero social communication and interaction for the entirety of 8 hours a day? Even in the “coding” example, there is a fair bit of collaboration in software development.
Even assuming this kind of job exists, your corporate overlords will push for mandatory 8hr day work + 8hr sleep work and only pay you 4 hours for it.
Quiet, peasant, and get to dreamwork. Shareholder value isn’t going to increase on its own.
Originally in The Matrix people were the CPU/GPU in the robots system, not the batteries.
But WB didn’t think anyone knew what those were in 1999
Taking advantage of the unique aspects of organic processing would have made way more sense than our convoluted and comparatively inefficient, especially in context, power output. Also closes the loop, at least somewhat, on “why didn’t they make people vegetables.”
Oh god, that sounds so much better than the battery idea. But yeah I could totally see regular audiences not being able to understand that. Morpheus really succinctly summed up his argument when he just pulled out a AA battery in that scene. Such a good movie moment.
If any coworkers appear in my dreams, I’ll personally see to it that shit gets real weird.
I have always wanted my sleep to make some trust fund baby richer.
Employers get absolutely NOTHING from my sleep.
Idk, napping at works sounds pretty tight.
I work from home. My employer pays for my naps.
More often than they’re aware.
No, they can’t.
Ignoring the capitalistic dystopia this represents, I have no interest in letting a techbro ultrasound my brain, especially to be more productive with my work.
People love to think of brain-tech as sci-fi magic that will improve everything, but there’s zero chance it doesn’t devolve into the same profit focused mess we already have with every other tech field. Having even more of my person commodified is not something I’m interested in welcoming.
I mean, even lucid dreaming is still dreaming. It won’t really be a good idea to let unconscious people write code (or anything for general consumption)
Every time I’ve lucid dreamed, I’ve just rolled with the dream logic, not imposed real logic
Right?! Last lucid dream I had I was sure I had written the coolest song ever, people in the dream thought it was amazing. I knew it was a dream, but fuzzy dream me was genuinely excited to remember it when I woke up.
From what I recall it was a country western rap/chant… Spoiler: It was not a good song.
it’s paywalled, what bullshit did they come up with to get investor’s money
Start up company, ridiculous product, fortune magazine… It’s bullshit invester advertising. Probably fraudulent too based on Fortunes track record of promotion.
Theres no working product yet. Last this was posted they’re measuring lucid dreamers sleep, AND THEN they’re going to use some transducers to stimulate someone’s brain to hit observed conditions. But it’s all in theory now.
I wouldn’t want to be a guinea pig for this, that’s for sure. Can’t imagine anything going wrong.
Reminds me of that one black mirror episode where this dude was left in a repeating nightmare for a thousand simulated years.
In all seriousness I really do code in my sleep sometimes. I wake up and remember how to fix something tricky. If it meant I could knock off early I guess I could cope with this 🤔
Thing is, your PM wouldn’t have you clocking out at all, if it meant pushing the project closer to completion. You think they’re concerned with your sleep cycle now? This would be even less of a reason to do so.
What do they think we’ve already been doing this whole time? It’s why we prefer to have the lights out in the office.
If they end up becoming a successful company, that in fact can induce lucid dreaming at will, how long do you think it will be before they start showing us dream ads?
it won’t be that hard. I mean, some people can suddenly dream about local milfs/ dilfs available in their area.
or that one guy trying to reach them about some extended warranty.
I’m just surprised I’ve never heard it. But it makes sense with all the wolf t-shirts and car stickers and what not.
Oh my god, be quiet. You’ll give them ideas
Yeah. that is 100% not why they are developing tech to induce lucid dreams.
That is just how they got funding for flying sex dreams.
As long as my sleep counts towards hours worked, and the amount of hours worked stays the same, I could agree to this.
This is just the less fun version of hypnospace outlaw, where you can just do basically Myspace in your sleep instead of work. Great video game, big recommend
That’d be pretty sweet if I could study in my sleep.
Yeah, getting extra work done to appease my wage slaver? Fuck that. Using extra time to better myself? Intriguing