There is a genocide happening in this picture, on the bottom half only. I don’t understand people pushing the line that it’s happening in both places, just use your fucking brain or something.
It’s the typical projection from libs, they fully support the one actually happening on the bottom.
But have you considered that the pictured mosque was actually overrun by tourists so people don’t pray there anymore???
(Seriously that’s the only thing Western media can now spam about Xinjiang in 2023)
no you don’t get it, it’s much worse, see see pee is forcing them to pray!
then basically every cathedral in Italy is symptom of genocide against the catholics lmao
Don’t give them propaganda ideas…
They’d invent that one anyways
liberals: “Hamas had bases on all of those buildings.”
Bring it up to liberals and all you will get are the usual double standards. They’ll bring up the Uyghur genocide as if it’s a big gotcha revelation that everyone hasn’t heard about at least 1000 times already, while simultaneously performing Olympic level mental gymnastics in order to explain why Israel’s actions are actually benefitting Palestinians somehow. They are cheerleading the West like it is their favorite football team and will continue doing so until the absolute bitter end.
It’s so fucking depressing. If I had some sick leave left I would have taken some at the beginning of the conflict. I’d guess that most of my coworkers believe this. Plus there are the ones that come up to you unsolicited to try and get me to join in there dehuminisation and Muslim genocide glee. Thankfully they realise now that Im not going to validate their murderous genocidal tendencies. They still try it on with everyone else though. One day it would be nice to have a workplace without complete racist supremisisct homophobes.