So bubbly and cloying, and happy… just like the Federation. If you drink enough of it, you begin to like it.
It’s insidious! … Just like the root beer 🤣
I want to say I never quite learned to like it, but… I have once or twice maybe hummed along a little. Honestly not much, and the completely unenunciated “isbinna laaooww waaaww” (maybe slightly exaggerating there) bit still irks me but… yeah okay some of it is a lil catchy >.<;
Cause I got Faayyy of the harrrrr🎵
I like Enterprise…
It’s not my least favorite Star Trek show. I like it overall. I just feel kinda icky during the decontamination scenes.
u/Stamets likes his Star Trek hot folks to be fully clothed, damnit! Like Captain Pike! or Doctor Culber! or Captain Pike!
Of which there are several. Berman is such a horn dog. But here, Stamets, is a shot you might not be too opposed to:
Yeah, the Berman-level horny is what put me off in all honesty. I’m not the type of gay who is going to be immediately freak out by seeing a woman undressed or anything. Even when focusing on any of the male characters I still just felt weird. Also the absurd level of blue on everything. Genuinely forgot how saturated that was, holy shit!
Berman was a horndog but Roddenberry and Thiess pretty much ran with what ever the censors said was okay and pushed till the censor pushed back.
Yeahhhhh that was weird.
Like if someone wants to put in sexual stuff to make something sell, sure. I might not like it but I’ll get it. But those decon scenes were really really forced. At least with Seven of Nine it ended mostly with her obscene skinsuit. But these scenes were just too heavy handed for me to enjoy and felt a lil gross. Not enough for it to make me dislike the show but enough to be memorable.
Weird I really didn’t remember them. But now I’m like oh yeah I was very uncomfortable. Unfortunately as a women star trek fan there are a fair bit of content I have to just forget or be like its wrong but sadly a product of that time. Lucky there are a lot of women positive content in the series too. Which I think is a bigger chunk then the problems.
It is too serious and “mature” in my opinion.
And the crew is way too homogenous to have interesting scifi relationships between them.
Don’t get me wrong, I preferred Archer’s Theme, but I quite like Faith of the Heart.
Is it my favourite Trek theme? Of course not. But I don’t think it’s awful. I don’t really get the hate for it either.
(Not a Yank, either)
I dig it. I hate it as a Star Trek theme, don’t get me wrong, but I still think it’s a fun song. The fact that they’ve tacked it onto Star Trek means that it’s part of it now so screw it. Might as well enjoy it.
And what would be so bad if I got you wrong? Do you think that Star Trek fans that enjoy Faith of the Heart and find it to be a good Star Trek theme are not proper Star Trek fans? Because it has to conform to your, and the apparent “majority’s”, elitist view that orchestral intro music is inherently superior, and you think that should you oppose this sentiment, you get branded as a traitor and are evicted from this community or what? What is so bad with liking Faith of the Heart as a Star Trek song??? People have different tastes, and no one on this instance has any authority in the slightest to decide such matters.
You are going to need to back off with this level of hostility.
Do you think that Star Trek fans that enjoy Faith of the Heart and find it to be a good Star Trek theme are not proper Star Trek fans?
I never at any point suggested or even remotely hinted towards that and I’d really appreciate you not shoving words into my mouth.
Because it has to conform to your, and the apparent “majority’s”, elitist view that orchestral intro music is inherently superior, and you think that should you oppose this sentiment, you get branded as a traitor and are evicted from this community or what?
I never at any point suggested or even remotely hinted towards that and I’d really appreciate you not shoving words into my mouth.
What is so bad with liking Faith of the Heart as a Star Trek song???
Literally nothing. I simply said I don’t like it as a Star Trek song. At no point did I suggest that there was anything wrong with liking it as a Star Trek song. I merely expressed my own personal opinion.
People have different tastes, and no one on this instance has any authority in the slightest to decide such matters.
No one here remotely attempted to.
You need to seriously take a step back and start reading what people say instead of making stuff up between the lines of what people say. If you want clarification then ask for it. But no one here said that there was anything wrong with a Star Trek fan who likes this song. I’m sure as hell not going to say who is and isn’t a real Star Trek fan when I get given shit for merely liking Discovery. All I did was express a differing opinion. That’s it. I’m not going to engage further if you keep up this incredibly defensive/hostile attitude.
I’m the Worf kind. I suspect that for us non-USA types it’s pretty one-sided.
Yeah as an Aussie, faith of the heart comes across as some cringe American power ballad bullshit.
It’s such an insane genre shift from Trek of that era as well. Like how do you have 3 of the most incredible, majestic, orchestral themes from TNG, DS9, and VOY, and decide that what Trek really needs is a Rod Stewart song? It’s bizarre.
cringe American power ballad bullshit.
I’m not going to lie, I find this genuinely hilarious.
So the song was originally written by an American named Diane Warren but that’s where the connection to the United States ends. It was originally written for Rod Stewart, an English artist. The Enterprise version however is performed by Russell Watson. An English artist.
Bahaha fair call mate! The other artist who came to mind was Bryan Adams, who it turns out is Canadian so clearly I’m completely full of shit.
Logic and reason aside… Idk it just feels like American fluff to me. To be clear, I don’t mean to hate on American culture with that statement. Every culture has its own vapid, meaningless fluff. God knows Australian culture does!
Regardless of who sang it or wrote it, something about faith of the heart just feels really, really American to me. Obviously Trek has always been an American show, but it has always seemed to make an effort to be more universal than that. I still remember hearing faith of the heart for the first time and it just felt… foreign. Unrelatable.
And personally I just hate power ballads so that’s my own bias haha. My whole argument is vibes and opinions really, I make zero claim to being correct or even internally consistent on this.
Don’t feel bad, your instincts are on point. It’s some apple pie baseball chevy truck american anthem at the stadium bullshit. It’s so american it hurts and Im from the southern US lol
Also southish US; I think your take on how it sounds is why I always hated it so much. That and the unintelligible bit at the beginning. never going to forgive it and its obnoxious mind-sticking law waw
Yeah it’s just the worst of y2k era ego stroking ick ever. I could go on for hours about that fucking song lol
Oh don’t get me wrong, i’m not bashing you with that comment. There’s a reason I removed the ‘the call is coming from inside the house’ line. I was doing it in jest and light-hearted banter but you never know how text can come across so I wanted to be safer than sorry.
It does feel pretty American though. I get it. The vibe is definitely there. The song just screams “PATRIOTISM” in a way that is pretty in line with America. Has that whole “I’M THE VERY BEST WE’RE NUMBER 1 NO ONE CAN STOP US” theme throughout it.
I listen to jazz and pop so I mean I’m not exactly someone who is a huge fan of ballads either. Right with you. This song I do like but mostly just for nostalgia purposes I think. The same way I start singing along with Rick Astley whenever Never Gonna Give You Up starts playing.
However, as a Canadian, how fucking dare you mistake Bryan Adams for an American. Awful. Mean. Terrible! Cruel! We can’t be friends.
Also regardless of genre, TV theme songs with lyrics eventually start to feel dated, whereas orchestral themes are always timeless.
American here, completely in agreement on how bizarre it was.
Why would this be a USA vs non-USA thing? I’ve only ever heard it mocked here in the states.
I feel like this is matter of personal taste not nationality, but I could be wrong.
Why would this be a USA vs non-USA thing?
I have absolutely no idea. Frankly that’s one of the most bizarre takes I’ve seen in sometime. As you pointed out, the theme is relentlessly mocked in the US. By all Trek fans in general, really. Why someone would immediately make this a nationalistic thing I have no idea.
It’s a very christian sounding song, and I associate that kind of thing with the US. Shrug.
It seems such generic American soft rock. Journey or bands like.
No matter that the singer is British and the song was originally written and recorded by Rod Stewart.
Even having lived in the US as a student, I never could understand the appeal of that stuff.
I’m one of those non-USA-types and I actually liked Archerprise. Not as much as the other series of course, but I’ll still watch it every now and then.
I like how corny it is, it fits the “pioneers on an exploratory mission” perfectly. Having a bombastic orchestral theme pre-federation makes no sense, the first Enterprise is a sitting duck for just about any starfaring culture, they got boarded by the Ferengi one time, ffs.
Is Word the John Belushi of TNG?
Only if you also use Excel for Data
It’s been a long road
Gettin’ from there to here
It’s been a long time,
But my time is finally near
And I will see my dream come alive at last
I will touch this guy . . .
Such an urge to downvote all of you… 😜
I really liked it when the show first started. I thought the divergence from the regular formula at the time was a nice change. The theme of the song was also on point for the theme of the show - humanity coming into their own on the galactic stage. I’m in the middle of my first rewatch since the show first aired. I still like it. As for adding a base line to it in season 3…WTF?
Yeah their decision to add that baseline is insane… There’s another version that’s got a heavier string section as well as a few other alterations. It’s my preferred version of the song because it sounds less rock. This being that version.
The most insane thing about it is not the music, it’s the collage of space race scenes that shows NASA crap, from the country that lost the space race.
The theme song is one giant setup so the show can drop the Terran Empire intro and make it super jarring.
“Sorry not sorry.”
I find Enterprise isn’t bad for the most part, just don’t bring up the final episode.
I’d prefer it if the self-hatred and vicious fandom in-fighting were left to Star Wars, where it belongs.
Think of it as Tuvix and Janeway debating
The stereotype of the angry nerd is a Star Trek fan at a convention…
And Star Wars fans didn’t start arguing until the Movie Which Shall Not Be Named
Return of the Jedi?
Thanks for picking that one up. Too often online it seems like most people have forgotten how long the newest Star Wars has been the bad one.
Probably partially because we’re getting old
There’s a pretty big difference between “this movie is the worst one, but ‘Hutt Slayer Leia’ tho” and “This guy doesn’t understand the Force, the Jedi, the previous movie, that space is frictionless, that a squadron for a capital ship is a good trade, or the technology of the series and the reasons for the limitations on it. Oh, and also he pussed out of ReyxFinn, a plan confirmed by previous screenwriters and novelists, so he could shove in Finn being molested by a stalker?!?”
I can keep going
But I won’t, because I am a big boy who can emotionally handle that some people apparently didn’t understand the themes of a series derided for destroying complexity in cinema.
Well. This kind of proves Granites original point. Also demonstrates precisely why I stopped posting in the Star Wars community. Just so constantly and exhaustingly negative all the time.
Their point was that the Star Wars fandom is more contentious than the Star Trek fandom.
Mine was that that only stated relatively recently, and with one particular movie.
Like, sure, you’d have fans saying a specific movie is worse than the others but it didn’t spawn the kind of grief 8 did.
deleted by creator
Star Wars fandom has been hostile and bitter at one another since at least the prequels. When those were released things turned, hard, and they never came back. When the sequels were released people swarmed those and have been hyper negative ever since.
Things were ALWAYS bad in Star Wars, they just got a thousand times worse with Force Awakens. It’s pretty disingenuous to try and pretend like none of that ever happened.
I’m just now on session 2 of Enterprise for the first time.
Can’t decide if I dislike the song more than I do Archer.
The show arguably gets good in season 3, if you can vibe with Dark Archer. And season 4 is pretty much universally praised.
The show found its rhythm right as it got canceled.
Enterprise was done dirty. They should have been allowed at least one more series to deal with the romulans. It was just starting to get good.
Sure the character of Jonathan Archer was a complete idiot who shouldn’t have been allowed in charge of a light switch. But that kind of makes sense because it was only given the job because of who his dad was rather than because he had any skills. No human knew what they were doing at that point in time because no human had really had any interaction with any alien species yet except the Vulcans.
Michael Dorn was vastly under appreciated as a comedian.