The letter G is obviously pronounced like in the word: “gigantic”.
Or maybe like in the word “garage”
Pronouncing it as “gif” is wrong on so many levels…
What’s wrong about that? The English language is giving us clear instructions as to the pronunciation via how the word is written:
G as in “gnarly”; I as in “dive”; and F the same way that letter is pronounced in the word “cough”
Easy, right?
I’d thought it’s pronounced like in the word ‘graphic’.
Oh, my “joke” was that there’s two G’s in gigantic and it’s two different sounds.
Reminiscent of the Spielberg dinosaur hit movie “Graphic Park”.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
In English the correct way to pronounce something is the way that will most reliably communicate your intended meaning to your intended audience without unintended ambiguity or distraction.
Since my intention is usually to communicate my superior knowledge of trivia and/or to stir shit up, I pronounce it with a soft g.
“ghif” or “hif”
“In English the correct way to pronounce something is the way that will most reliably communicate your intended meaning to your intended audience without unintended ambiguity or distraction.”
This is simply untrue. There’s this thing called phonics, and dictionaries.
However, it is actually pronounced Jif so I agree with that part of your comment.
TONIGHT: Prescriptivists vs Descriptivists
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Phonics and dictionaries are very useful tools to help a person understand which pronunciations are likely to communicate what they intend.
But the best way to pronounce Prague (Prog, Prag, or Praha) depends on who you’re talking to.
I heard then both say it the right way in my head so there
Piss off everyone: Dutch pronunciation. The G sounds like you’re ripping up a newspaper.
Hah! Reminds me of the German word Flugzeugträger… if spoken in a cologne accent the three Gs will all be pronounced differently and none of them actually like G.
I’ll take your word for it, I’m pretty sure my German sounds too much like Standard German, and I don’t really have a comparison with Cologne German…
I don’t gif a fuck.
I use PNG or MP4 instead.
Is it also soft G in PNG? So it’s PNJ?
PNG rhymes with
So is it one representative or the entirety of Papua New Guinea that handles it?
Those images can get large, you need a whole country to till, and rotate the crop.
Silent g is best g
I think this is how it’s pronounced:
Relevant (not xkcd)
When will Lemmy support the gif format?
What do you mean?
animated pictures
Cool. Again. What do you mean? You were very vague and I have no idea what kind of support you’re even looking for.
My preferred pronunciation is MP4.
My kids learned in school today that it’s a soft g if it’s followed by e, i, or y. I don’t even know what to say.
Your wrong, it’s pronounced greg
After all these memes, I unironically pronounce it “gif” now.
I watched that movie last night