We are now the 16th largest instance on Lemmyverse, with 497 weekly active users and 712 monthly active users. Great job everybody, we are doing great. The community that we’ve cultivated here is really friendly and the server has been running very well. Also, remember that if you’re enjoying the Lemmy experience here to donate to our admin @pyarra@vlemmy.net using the links on the sidebar, donations are what keep Lemmy sustainable and allow our admins not to have to resort to things like ads to keep the instances running.
I set up my donation this morning. It feels good to give money to something that isn’t parasitic and evil.
I love the small community feel. Being able to click a post on the front page and not having 500+ comments there already is nice.
I’m thankful for all the work everyone has put in so that I can be here on my third party app :). You guys rock, will be donating when I get off of work
I really like the community on VLemmy. great job admins!
Feels like I made a good choice, been smooth sailing here so far; thank you!
Glad to be here.