Barclay is like… right there. You did him dirty.
You might like this then:
Barkley won’t go in the transporter unless he’s pulling eels out of it with him
Lol. Yeah. Missed chance to simply not Photoshop him.
He just can’t get a break 😔
Hes really popular on Voyager at least.
My personal theory is that everything from Pathfinder onward is an elaborate holodeck programme; even the end of that episode where they establish communications. Voyager never made it home, Janeway dies in the D-quad, Harry is left in charge but never promoted.
I ain’t gettin on no starship, fool!
“It is not a good day to fly.”
That’s a pity
A-Team-Theme played by a orchestra.
“I love a well executed diplomacy”
Airwolf theme, bby.
Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins. Remixed.
Why is Data standing in for Murdock when we had Lieutenant Barclay?
I pity the p’tak who ain’t got no honor.
This is the good shit I come here for. Oh and the sweet, sweet call to exactly my demographic. Us old-timers can revel in our wonderful 80s TV show memories.
A-Team mixed with MASH and TNG theme
Charlie’s Angels.
The Proclaimers - l’m Gonna Be