“Wait, how do I do that again? This die? The value is on the character sheet I forgot. Can’t I just attack? You know I’m always wielding my weapon in such situations?…”.
“I have dark vision! will that give me advantage?” “Hold on, I need to read my spells”
“In the woods you encounter…” “I’ll chop his head off!” “… beautiful girl!”
lmfao! I see you have some experience 😏
You can call me Master if you like 😉
deleted by creator
May RNGesus be on your side 😘
Wow! Those are such nice… dice!
That one metal d20 looks fucking awesome! What set is that from?
Also hot.
It’s a stand alone d20 and one of my absolute favorites! It has a tiny dragon inside! found here
Thank you! I am so buying that. That looks amazing.
Wouldn’t you be worried that it’s not balanced? If you’re not making the die solid, isn’t it incredibly difficult to make sure it’s perfectly fair?
You need to weight a dice pretty egregiously to see any actually noticable effect on the rolls. As it is, a lot of plastic dice people buy aren’t perfectly ballanced either.
As long as it isn’t deliberately weighted then it’s not a big deal at least as I see it.
Typically you roll 1d20 for initiative but I guess we can make an exception for tits
ah. well see, when I took the pictures I was thinking I’d do a title like “how about some dice porn” or something to that effect. Then I went to do my posts (this one here, two on reddit- one in nofans and one in gonewild30+) and paused for a moment… considering the audience isn’t 100% nerds like me the “dice porn” joke ran risk of being fully missed. So I pivoted to D&D titles, it’s worked out ok but my old fully D&D themed pictures got better over all response
and tits sure are exceptional 😁
Considering the amount of comments here about the dice I think everyone would definitely open a post titled “dice porn” lol!
Rolls D20, gets 69?!
So hot. What AD&D could have been.
I roll a… 6? Damnit! Too distracted by the beauty on display to react quickly, I guess 😇
So…what’d you get?
I hope I roll a 69 😘
I want a close up to see the dice - and maybe something else - in higher detail
Nothing beats a nice set of pips.
Nat 1.