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Despite the slightly baity headline, it’s actually a very interesting article about what we need to be doing to dig ourselves out of the hole we’re in (in one author’s opinion, anyway).
Well worth a read as a primer on recognising all the wrong moves that the government actually will make…
And the ones the bank of England has made. Bailey should go.
Some false debates should be put aside. Brexit did not cause all of the UK’s economic problems, but it made almost all of them worse.
I like this line. Putting lead weights in your shoes alone didn’t make you fall in the river, but it really didn’t help when you did.
Given our current political class, do we really think ANY of this is achievable? This shower of w**kers are incapable of following through on any of this (and yes, I mean all sides, not just the current incumbents).
I remember Thatchers government. Evil, yes, but relatively competent. Oxford PPE has a LOT to answer for.
wrong community
It’s political in that UK politics has put the UK in this position.
i clicked the wrong sub and thought it was a completely unrelated one. me big stupid. shouldn’t the comment be long deleted already?
Ah I think I see what you mean, you posted your comment in the wrong community and edited it. I thought you were telling OP this post was in the wrong community.
i thought OP was in the wrong community, but acually i clicked on the wrong obe and only looked at the post
Honestly, that sounds like an amazing manifesto. Some political party should adopt it.